GTD revisited again (and again)

Looks like September is my month for working on my system. I've recently upgraded to an Android device (oh, the joy of no longer being tied to Windows Mobile) and am now trying to figure out how to get GTD working on it.

As you know if you've read any of my other posts on this topic, I'm a nut for PocketInformant on the WM platform, so it was the first app I purchased on Android. Now these are 2 different platforms and so I expected differences, but I was still a bit surprised by how far apart they were. PI on WM is an amazingly mature app with all kinds of configurability and amazing capability and functionality. PI on Android is ... well, let's say it's still young. Hopefully there will be lots of upgrades coming down the pike. I'm not looking for a replacement, but that's only because I'm already a great fan of WebIS and know that they will really get it right as they move forward.

But the great thing about PI on Android is that there is built-in support for sync with Toodledo. YEA! And it works! Double-YEA!

This means I have dropped RTM with glee and have wholeheartedly adopted PI for Android combined with Toodledo as my new GTD platform. I have adequate functionality on my phone and great functionality in the cloud -- I think I'm set. So far I haven't found any glitches, but I'll post back after I've been using it for a few more weeks.

UPDATE: Ah, WebIS did not disappoint. Turns out when I got PI there was some type of manual update I didn't do, so I wasn't getting updates. I just did the update and version 1.50 looks a LOT better. Calendar AND to-do are both vastly improved.

Two small gripes:
  1. when I put sub-tasks in toodle-do I tend to put them in chronological order. I will do X before I do A and I will do A before I do Z. However, when I display those sub-tasks in PI there is no "as entered" option for sorting them -- I end up with A, X, Z when I want X, A, Z.
  2. Although my plan is to do most of my "collection" at the computer there are times when I end up doing it on my phone. I would like a + button/icon up next to the filter and views. (Yes, I know I can long-press on the title or go to the menu, but adding a task is a pretty important piece of functionality and shouldn't require any more than a touch.) And having an option to add multiple tasks (one per line) would be nice as well.


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